Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery Before & After

Short Bio

Mickey Rourke’s nose job that saved his career

A man whose list of roles is not as extensive as some leading men’s, Rourke is still able to have connections across a few generations. He more than just plays that perfect bad boy, outcast, ruggedly handsome type. That is a large part of how he is. He’s never needed to be told to get in shape for a role because his career and interest have not just been about the big screen. Juggling between acting and boxing, the bad boy of Hollywood has had to get some work done to keep up with the former career path.

Other than his nose, has Rourke had anything else done?

Men, unlike women, are given what seems like a certain level of leniency in the eyes of critics when it comes to plastic surgery. Action heroes never look like male models, they are given to aging with a certain rugged style, where the right amount of wrinkles and weariness only add to their appeal. For Rourke, his multiple nose jobs to counter the abuse of his boxing days is no secret, and he openly talks about how he had one doctor who messed it up really badly and another that managed to save it. However, there is one thing he doesn’t talk about, and that is the rumor of having a bit more facial work done.

His entire face has seen some highs and lows. Taking as many blows to the face as he has over the years, there is no doubt some cheekbones that have needed readjusting. Unfortunately, the series of poor choices in doctors resulted in a string of dramatic appearances for Rourke. A kaleidoscope of ups and downs, from handsome to near grotesque, Rourke’s story of aesthetic recovery has been a slow one.

Mickey Rourke Then & Now

In the end, for Mickey Rourke plastic surgery was able to restore his face

Even if all he talks about nose jobs, everyone else can easily see it was a lot more than rhinoplasty that helped restore those dashing and rugged good looks of his. Thanks to the skills of a good plastic surgeon, he has been able to enjoy a return from tainted obscurity. Having memorable roles in the Iron Man series, he’s been able to make a comeback with little caring about the extent of work it took to restore his looks.

Mickey Rourke's Plastic Surgeries

Whether it's classical cosmetic enhancements like a boob job or more obscure things like eyelid surgery, here is a list of all the known plastic surgeries Mickey Rourke has done:

Mickey Rourke - Cosmetic Procedures
Nose JobN/A
Boob JobN/A
Breast ReductionN/A
Butt ImplantsN/A
Butt LiftN/A
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)N/A